In the 1950's, in order to preserve the spirit of the founders of the church, it was suggested that their rich history be told by way of stained glass windows. Thanks to this effort generations of congregations have been worshiping in the reverent hymn of color and light that flows through the windows.
The windows in the nave relate the history of the Church of Christ with an emphasis on the missionary aspect. The small window in the offset depicts the baptism of Christ as indicative of the beginning of the Kingdom which Christ heralded. The three other windows are, in order, the window of the Son of God, the window of the Word, and the window of the Spirit.
The windows in the outer area suggest the heritage of the Irons Memorial Church by portraying the Belgian migration, the cottage prayer meetings, the building of the church, the 1950's renovation project, and other events in local history.
The vestibule window represents the Master directing His work in this small part of His great kingdom. It is fitting that the major theme of Christ's commission to spread the gospel be presented as the power of his church and all churches.
The windows were designed by Mr. Roy Calligan and created by Hunt Studios, Pittsburgh, PA.